Thank you for your interest in joining the LADC!In order to become a member of the Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel, an attorney must be in good standing with the State Bar of Louisiana, devote a substantial amount of his/her professional time to the handling of litigated cases and whose representation in such cases is primarily other than plaintiffs in personal injury cases, and not be a member of any plaintiff or claimant oriented association, group or firm. By the joining the LADC, you are setting yourself up for success! With over 1,100 members and numerous CLEs, the LADC is able to provide dynamic networking opportunities. As a member you receive access to our archive of newsletters and current monthly newsletters on recent developments within the legal community, as well as the following benefits.... Member Benefits:
Please keep in mind that those who join the LADC before October 1st must pay the current year's dues. Only those who join in October, November or December are exempt for paying the current year's dues. Dues are $275 and $200 for young lawyers. Let the LADC remind you of what a community of colleagues can achieve!