The Louisiana Association of Defense CounselThe LADC is a nonprofit organization intended to bring together by association, communication and organization, lawyers who devote a substantial amount of their professional time to the handling of civil litigation and whose representation in such cases is primarily for the defense; to provide for the exchange among the members of this Association of information, ideas, techniques of procedure and court rulings relating to the handling of litigation in an effort to enhance the knowledge and improve the skills of defense lawyers; to elevate the standards of trial practice in this area and, in conjunction with similar associations in other areas, to develop, establish and secure court adoption or approval of a high-standard code of trial conduct and courtroom manners; to support and work for the improvement of the adversary system of justice in our courts; to work for the elimination of court congestion and delays in civil litigation; and in general to promote improvements in the administration of justice and to increase the quantity and quality of service and contribution which the legal profession renders to the community, state and nation. For the LADC Bylaws, click here: LADC Bylaws (last modified April 2023). This website serves several functions. First, it introduces to the public the Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel, an organization of attorneys who are engaged in civil litigation and whose representation is primarily for the defense. Secondly, the website provides the 1,400+ LADC members with up to date information about LADC activities and with the latest legal developments, including recent judicial decisions and statutory enactments which impact upon civil litigation in Louisiana. Thirdly, the website affords its members the opportunity to exchange views on pragmatic issues such as trial tactics and strategies and expert witnesses. We have been an active organization in the Louisiana defense community for over 60 years. Our first president took office in 1965. Click here for a full list of past presidents. NewsletterThe LADC publishes a newsletter every month. It is compiled and edited by Prof. William Corbett (LSU) and Prof. Dane S. Ciolino (Loyola New Orleans). The newsletter contains news of upcoming LADC events, meetings and CLE programs. It also contains summaries of recent developments in tort law, insurance law, admiralty and legal ethics.The Newsletter reports primarily on Louisiana statutory and jurisprudential developments, but also tracks events nationwide, and particularly in the federal courts, which would be of interest to a Louisiana defense counsel. The newsletters are only available to members of the LADC. However, we do release small 'sneak peeks' of the newsletter for the public in Recent Developments. If the newsletter is of interest to you, please apply for membership here. Public ServicesThe LADC contributes to the public good by working for the adoption of laws which will provide the speedy and inexpensive resolution of civil disputes. The organization’s efforts concentrate on legislation (proposing, supporting and opposing bills) and judicial decisions (filing amicus curiae briefs in cases of general statewide importance). The LADC also supports pro bono efforts and has contributed more than $200,000 to the enhancement of legal education in the state’s law schools.Member ServicesThe primary purpose of the LADC is to enhance the education and training of its members. This is accomplished by presentation of quality continuing legal education programs, and by the publication of a monthly newsletter which provides detailed information on the most recent developments in the law, including judicial decisions and legislation. A variety of CLE programs are conducted within the state, and include a Boot Camp at which younger members receive hands-on training in trial tactics from some of the nation’s outstanding instructors, and an Attorney/Client Seminar which provides the opportunity for an exchange of ideas with the primary clients of the membership. Other regular meetings are held out of state at sites which are conducive to both education and recreation. In recent years, members have had the opportunity to learn about, and compare with Louisiana’s, the legal systems of South Carolina, Canada, Washington, and New Mexico. The Winter Meeting usually has been held in Colorado. Each out of state meeting provides significant opportunities for enhancement of legal education and an exchange of views with attorneys with similar interests in other parts of the nation.Disclaimer of LiabilityThe information on this Website is designed to provide non-members with information about the Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel, and to provide members with information about the organization and a mechanism for exchange of ideas and information. Although information contained in this Wesbite is carefully prepared, neither the LADC nor its officers, directors nor other members guarantee the accuracy of such information. Any information contained on this Website is not intended, and should not be accepted as the provision of legal or other services of any kind and nature whatsoever. The views expressed by members on this Website, including, but not by way of limitation, any information or opinions expressed in the Discussion Group do not necessarily reflect those of the LADC or any of its other officers, directors and members. Any improper use of this Website by a member may result in termination of membership, and any improper use by members or nonmembers may result in criminal or civil liability. |